About me

About Me

I was born in Edinburgh, UK, came to Australia as a child, and now live with my husband of 33 years and family in Perth, Western Australia.

I have always had the gift of seeing and hearing Spirit, since as far back as I can remember as a small child, and have been told these come from a long family line of gifted Mediums. In my late teens I became aware there were things I just ‘knew’ but had no understanding as to why, or equally where this ‘knowing’ originated.

Like a lot of people becoming spiritually aware, I had a busy life and would constantly push these things away, or to the back of my mind and carry on with life as normal.

I was aware of certain changes within my own life. It was only when these took place I decided it was time to try and understand what was happening with my own awareness. I endeavoured to find some explanations for the experiences I had been having.

Through my own personal search for spiritual evidence I discovered so much, not only about myself and what I had experienced, but about the spirit world and their endeavours to reach us in so many ways.

I went on to learn modalities of energy based healing such as Reiki and Chi Gong, and sat in development circles to experience and learn more about my psychic ability. As a natural Psychic and Medium I am able to read your energy and connect with your loved ones in Spirit, without using tools such as Tarot or having personal items.

People have kindly said, “Known for her accuracy and ability to connect with your loved ones in the Spirit World, Karen has a gentle, warm and respectful stage presence and captivates her audience with humour and love.”

In 2011 I was asked to apply for Channel Seven’s TV series “Looking for Australia’s Best Psychic”. Whilst I successfully passed all aspects of the required vigorous testing, and screen tested, I chose not to take it further due to work commitments at that time. However the experience showed me I needed to commit more time to the spirit world.

In 2012 I trained and became certified with the RVU (Remote Viewing Unit), which is currently the only Remote Viewing Training Organisation in Australia, trained in the skill of Remote Viewing by former military from the USA. My natural ability to “see” events and structures are very much an advantage in my work.

I have had the privilege of training with of the most amazing and gifted teachers from around the world, constantly learning and furthering my gifts. 


Mind mirror testing. The EEG machine. 

Exploration of brainwaves, with the mind mirror.  The purpose of this test is to experiment and explore different brainwave states and how to reach, record and document.

Attached is few of my brainwave patterns to show as examples the detailed scientific reports we each received.

We are here to learn how to use an optimal brainwave profile for the work we are doing, healing, mediumship, trance and all forms of altered states.